Sunday, August 22, 2010

Has it really been 3 months? much for my weak attempt at becoming a regular blogger. I promise, I will try to do better. Since my last post, we celebrated Amit's brother Sumit's graduation from medical school, had a great visit from Grammy and Papa, traveled to Philadelphia and the Jersey Shore, and watched Leela grow like a weed! Where did my little toddler go? All of a sudden she's tall, tan, has really long hair, has a great sense of humor and resembles a 4 year old much more than a 2 year old. She is really into the Toy Story trilogy, Disney princesses, and reading. Her new favorite book is the classic "A Light in the Attic" by Shel Silverstein. I think I might get more enjoyment out of reading her requested 4 stories a night than she does. After we read her stories, she gleefully hops into bed with her favorite bedtime pal, Buzz Lightyear.

I'm a little sad that the summer is coming to an end because watching Leela play in the water is truly one of the most joyful experiences I've ever had. She loves the water and would give anything to play in it. Guess the bathtub will have to do when the subzero climate hits this winter.

All is going well in Mukherjee land...I hope to have a new post...sooner that 3 months.

Congratulations Dr. Mukherjee

Atlantic City
Visiting Rocky in Philadelphia