Friday, December 3, 2010
It's a.....
Sister for Leela! That's right..more Mukherjee estrogen. Watch out Amit! We are so excited at the thought of having two sweet girls bless our lives. So far, the baby is growing the way she should be at 28 weeks. Leela talks to her every day and tells her "I'm your sister" and "I love you". It's pretty adorable. A picture update will be coming soon!
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Mukherjee News's about that time. The Mukherjee family is officially expanding by one. That's right..Leela is going to be a big sister! We have known this exciting news for quite some time, I've just been a little too slow at updating the blog. We expect this sweet bundle the first week of March. The official due date is March 4th but we haven't made a decision about the c-section date which can be any day during the week before the actual due date. We are going on 21 weeks and the baby is doing well. Leela talks about being a big sister every day and is certain that it is a girl. The next update will confirm if she is correct.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Has it really been 3 months? much for my weak attempt at becoming a regular blogger. I promise, I will try to do better. Since my last post, we celebrated Amit's brother Sumit's graduation from medical school, had a great visit from Grammy and Papa, traveled to Philadelphia and the Jersey Shore, and watched Leela grow like a weed! Where did my little toddler go? All of a sudden she's tall, tan, has really long hair, has a great sense of humor and resembles a 4 year old much more than a 2 year old. She is really into the Toy Story trilogy, Disney princesses, and reading. Her new favorite book is the classic "A Light in the Attic" by Shel Silverstein. I think I might get more enjoyment out of reading her requested 4 stories a night than she does. After we read her stories, she gleefully hops into bed with her favorite bedtime pal, Buzz Lightyear.
I'm a little sad that the summer is coming to an end because watching Leela play in the water is truly one of the most joyful experiences I've ever had. She loves the water and would give anything to play in it. Guess the bathtub will have to do when the subzero climate hits this winter.
All is going well in Mukherjee land...I hope to have a new post...sooner that 3 months.
I'm a little sad that the summer is coming to an end because watching Leela play in the water is truly one of the most joyful experiences I've ever had. She loves the water and would give anything to play in it. Guess the bathtub will have to do when the subzero climate hits this winter.
All is going well in Mukherjee land...I hope to have a new post...sooner that 3 months.
Saturday, June 5, 2010
I'm a Big Girl
It's official...No more disposable undergarments at the Mukherjee household. Which translates into a savings of about $40 a month...I guess I will be forced to go shopping! I can't believe our sweet girl is growing up so fast. I spent all day potty training Leela last Thursday and with the exception of two minor accidents she was pretty much trained the next day. Then Amit had the pleasure of spending the next three of his long Memorial Day weekend monitoring for accidents, while I was at work over the long weekend. By Monday, we were accident free. Here is my favorite Leela potty story to date... Leela and I were in the bathroom at Target and before I could finish getting her dressed and she ran out of the stall yelling "I'm a big girl! I'm a big girl"! I caught up to her and proceeded to dress her by the changing station near the door. In walks a mom with her sweet little girl and the mom says "see honey, she's getting her diaper changed too". I just smiled, took Leela's hand and walked towards the door. Leela turns to the mom and proudly declared, "no more diapers, I'm a big girl". Although a part of me was a little embarrassed, a bigger part of me was so proud. Way to go Lee.

Sunday, May 30, 2010
So Here Goes
Well....I decided to succumb to the masses and enter the blogging world. I realized that I have a lot to share with people near and what better way to spread the Mukherjee madness than to blog? So much has happened over the last few years, which means there are a lot of pictures to share. I will try to keep it here goes.
Two year old Leela (March 28, 2010)
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